To own an Hermès bag is to own a piece of history and functional art. Hermès of Paris was established in 1837, producing exceptional custom equestrian tack. The quality and style of the hand-tooled saddles, harnesses, and bridles remain evident in the exquisite details of Hermès purses and handbags today. Authentic harness detailing, gold and palladium hardware, and exacting hand craftsmanship set Hermès bags apart. Inspired by renowned beauties and fashion icons like Grace Kelly and Jane Birkin, Hermès bags have become the gold standard for luxury leather goods and investment-grade handbags.

Hermès handbags — where old-world craftsmanship meets timeless style.

For generations, the most fashionable women in the world have worn Hermès bags and passed them on to their daughters and granddaughters as cherished heirlooms.

Our collection of store-fresh Hermès handbags is curated to include the most popular and hardest to find pieces. We feature the most coveted Hermès styles, the Kelly and the Birkin, as well as other favorites like the Constance, Lindy and Evelyne, among others. Limited edition and à la carte (ALC) bags are also well represented.

Explore an array of beautiful colors and lavish leathers, including Togo, Epsom, Clemence, and exotics such as lizard, ostrich, alligator, and crocodile. All exotic Hermès bags are created in strict compliance with CITES. With models ranging from the mini to the travel size, we are happy to introduce you to the handbag that best fits your needs and style.

Whether you’re seeking new/never been worn Hermès handbags, rare, preloved models, or you are intrigued by Hermès Special Order or Horseshoe Stamp (HSS) bags, our selection is sure to delight you. If there is a specific Hermès purse style you are unable to locate, our concierge service will be happy to do everything possible to assist you.


This tiny Kelly, in the Sellier style, is in Chai ostrich leather with gold hardware and has tonal stitching, two front straps with front toggle closure, single rolled handle and removable shoulder strap. The interior is lined with Chai lambskin and has one open pocket on the back wall. Collection: U Origin: France Condition: Pristine; new or never worn (plastic on


This tiny Kelly, in the Sellier style, is in Chai ostrich leather with gold hardware and has tonal stitching, two front straps with front toggle closure, single rolled handle and removable shoulder strap. The interior is lined with Chai lambskin and has one open pocket on the back wall. Collection: U Origin: France Condition: Pristine; new or never worn (plastic on


This tiny Kelly, in the Sellier style, is in Chai ostrich leather with gold hardware and has tonal stitching, two front straps with front toggle closure, single rolled handle and removable shoulder strap. The interior is lined with Chai lambskin and has one open pocket on the back wall. Collection: U Origin: France Condition: Pristine; new or never worn (plastic on


This tiny Kelly, in the Sellier style, is in Chai ostrich leather with gold hardware and has tonal stitching, two front straps with front toggle closure, single rolled handle and removable shoulder strap. The interior is lined with Chai lambskin and has one open pocket on the back wall. Collection: U Origin: France Condition: Pristine; new or never worn (plastic on


This tiny Kelly, in the Sellier style, is in Chai ostrich leather with gold hardware and has tonal stitching, two front straps with front toggle closure, single rolled handle and removable shoulder strap. The interior is lined with Chai lambskin and has one open pocket on the back wall. Collection: U Origin: France Condition: Pristine; new or never worn (plastic on